Friday, May 2, 2014

Who Left The Oven On?

If this is what Spring looks like, I'm not even gonna bother exercising come Summer time. I'll just sweat off the 30 pounds I want to lose. Probably more.

As I sat at an intersection on my way home from work, I (fortunately) noticed the engine temp needle starting to slowly rise. And rise. And rise. Right before it hit the red line, I smarted up and kicked off my A/C and cabin fans. As the engine temp slowly came back down, I thought to myself, Ok I checked the fluids last week, everything was cool. The A/C isn't making funny noises, so it's probably not that. The hell happened?

Then I looked at my outside temp. meter.


Come on San Diego, really? I'm still trying to adjust to the fact that it's May, but not raining every day, or still being cold at night. I do not need you reminding me what the next 4 months are gonna be like.

I can't wait for next week. It's supposed to have highs in the 60's. Now THAT's my kind of Spring. Let's keep it that way.