Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Evil That Accompanies Freshers Week - Freshers Flu

I take pride in my body's immune system. I haven't been sick in over 5 years (hangovers don't count) and trust me, it's not from a lack of interaction with other people. When I was at Alfred State, everyone in my suite, including my roommate, got the flu within a few days of each other. I don't think I even got runny nose. 

I like to thank my parents for not keeping me away from germs as a child. If wanted to play in the dirt, eat the cracker that fell on the ground, or play in the rain all day, by golly they let me do it. And because of that I was sick a lot as a kid. And I'm grateful for that. It taught my body how to defend against most colds, flus, and stomach bugs by the time I was in high school.

And then I came to Bradford. I should've expected it, really. Being so far from where I'd spent most of my life, there was bound to be some strain of the cold or flu my body wasn't ready for. But nevertheless, I'm still mad that I broke my healthy streak. 

Freshers flu is notorious for coming out right after Freshers week, and infecting the majority of the incoming students. And it did. Everyone in my suite, and every other new international student I've talked to has gotten it. It's very similar to strep throat, with first a sore throat, then congestion, followed by a worse sore throat and congestion. I've had it for a week now, and I think I'm finally on the mend (fingers crossed). By the way, the honey, whiskey, lemon trick does work to some degree. 

Hopefully by this time next week I'll be healthy enough to have gone on a weekend trip, a pub crawl,or something similarly worth telling about. But for now, I must go stock up on Halls, Whiskey, and Honey.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Freshers Week, Oh How Crazy You Were

Coming to Bradford, I didn't really expect there to be too much difference in the student culture compared to back in Potsdam. Everyone wants to party, no one likes to go class, and there's always something breaking in your apartment. These are the constants of a college student's life. 

Then came Freshers Week.

Bradford University does this thing where students actually move in a full week before classes start, to meet with their department heads and get their schedules squared away. But that's only in the morning. Freshers week is also about meeting new people and making friends at the start of the semester, joining clubs and sports teams, and last of all, a MASSIVE CLUB PARTY EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK.

I should probably mention that, because of the lower drinking age in the UK, universities can have their own frickin' club on campus. Oh and three different bars in the student union building. So these parties are actual organized events, not just some townhouse party filled above capacity (those are just the pre-parties). Sporting a different DJ every night, from a variety of club music styles, each night was a crazy adventure bordering on insanity. Each night we'd be out partying until anywhere from 3-6am, and wake up each afternoon thinking, "I should probably take a break tonight. Oh, tonight's the UV party/pub crawl/masquerade party? Well, I don't want to miss that." And then I'd chug a gallon of water, walk off my hangover, and get some kind of productive errand done before heading out again. It was a vicious, beautiful cycle.

I think one of my favorite nights this week was the pub crawl. Because it wasn't really a pub crawl. It was a club crawl. And this is where I ended up at the end of the crawl:
Please excuse the crap phone camera quality
Is that a foam gun firing into the crowd? Yes it is. Were there hundreds of foamy, drunk young folk going wild on the dance floor? Yes there was. Were there deals on 1 quid Jager-bombs all night? Yes, yes there was (forgive me, liver)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Long Flights, Crazy Driving, and Interesting Bus Rides - My 1st 24 hours in Bradford

Never before had I welcomed sleep as much as I did last night. Regardless of not having a blanket, or having fully unpacked, I dropped onto that bed like my life depended on it. And it was gooooood...

For some reason someone at Delta should explain to me, the cheapest flight to Bradford from Horseheads was via Detroit and Amsterdam. Make sense to you? Me neither. As such, I had a total of 3 flights on my way to Bradford, and on this trip I learned something very important about myself.

I physically can not fall asleep on planes. Which is an interesting thing to learn on an overnight trip. 

In the grand scheme of things, it was probably best, as I was better able to fall asleep at a proper hour my first night here, but it did involve being awake for 40 hours straight. 

Ok, now for my first impression of Bradford.

What I learned riding from the airport: The English drive like madmen.
What I learned on my bus trip to IKEA: Coach bus drivers are the exception.
What I learned on my bus ride to city center: City bus drivers are not part of the exception.

Oh, and the weather has been decent. So far.

The University of Bradford itself has a nice, modern feel to it, though I will say the city surrounding it does extremely a little run down. Though, in its defense, they are renovating a large portion of it right now to bring it up to modern times

The city center has a giant fountain that you can walk though. Which is cool.

My apartment is part of a university owned complex, called The Green. Its very new, and has pretty good furnishings, definitely better than Clarkson another university I've attended. The bathroom through me for a loop, though.

The entire bathroom is part of the shower, with the drain between right next to the toilet.

There are two different buttons for flushing my toilet. I still haven't figured out why.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Gorges Friday Morning with My Brother

So last weekend was a nice and relaxing weekend at the cottage, filled with kayaking, swimming, and overall being a bum. It was great. This past weekend I changed it up a little, as I had family visiting up from PA, and had a tradition to keep with my brother.

If you've never been, Watkins Glen State Park is one of the jewels of the Southern Tier of New York. Inside, is a massive gorge, with walking trails following the creek that cut it almost all the way to the top. The hike is manageable for most people, though there are a lot of stairs. But it's worth it. The views inside the gorge are one of the things that I love most about New York.
Like this one
Every corner is another perfect piece of scenery, with little waterfalls intersecting the trail along the way

For the past 2 years, my youngest brother and I have made it a tradition of walking the gorge when I come home from school. It's an awesome bonding experience and if you go early enough in the day (before 9am), you almost have the run of the place on your way up. We usually take our time, as we both like taking pictures of the landscape, and enjoy sticking our heads under the waterfalls (even if the water's cold. damn cold.)
Obligatory Bonding Selfie
After we went up and down the gorge, we went into town for some lunch, and went down to Seneca Harbor to walk the breakwater and get some more landscape pictures.

As we were walking on the breakwater, we were incredibly surprised to find a pair of muskrats running along the rocks and overall being sneaky. It was hard, but we managed to get a couple pictures of them

We would've followed them along the rocks for a lot longer, but my 2 hour parking spot was just about running out of time, so we had to go. It was a great morning, and a good memory that my brother and I will have for a long time.