Monday, January 13, 2014

Booze. Booze Everywhere...

In New York, we have a law that prohibits stores from selling liquor, unless they obtain a permit. I'm sure California has a similar law. I do not think however, California knows how to NOT give out these permits. Which, for the record, I'm not complaining about, just observing.

In New York, if we want to buy liquor, we must go to the liquor store. In California, if one wants to buy liquor, one must go pretty much to any supermarket, grocery store, or mini-mart. Or they can go to the liquor store, I suppose. Every place I've shopped for groceries sells liquor. Target has liquor! I had to do a double take when I walked past the wine & liquor aisle there the other day. Californians, I'm not saying your alcoholics (THIS article does that for you). I think you're practical, actually. Why should we have to go to a designated liquor store on top of going grocery shopping? Answer; we shouldn't. I think its cool you can buy liquor at any grocery store.

But here's where I get confused: There are also actual liquor stores! I mean, how do these guys stay in business? If any Californian would explain that to me, I'd appreciate it.

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